
Brief 5 Wrapping Paper Final Boards
& design development


(latest Hallmark development on disk)



This brief was probably the hardest of them all.  If it wasn't for my placement I probably would have discontinued it.  It proved to be a massive downer on my confidence and was infecting the attitude I had on my other briefs.  It took me a long time to take off as I couldn't get the Crufts wrapping paper range to kick off. I'm still disappointed that this didn't work as the concept was there using the categories to make humorous pattern designs.  After it moved onto a range of wrapping paper for Urban Outfitters-using their gift range and failed again I really hit rock bottom.  

However, my placement allowed me to relax a little and just produce imagery with no pressure to be for a certain pattern etc.  I went on to design a multitude of different possible ranges and really enjoyed doing so.  My favourites would be the character cards as well as the more traditional water colour cards with the script hand drawn type.  They sum me up in  a nit shell in the way that I can draw for different audiences.

Because of this late take off I don't think I pushed the brief very well at all.  I was happy to keep it as a smaller brief but there turned out to be so much scope for improvement and involvement of more products rather than just artwork.  However it has provided a fill for a hole in my portfolio and perhaps I will re visit it to do it up in to a fuller range and re visit the christmas tree decoration idea.

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