
Design Context 'Publication'




Over the last three years I have always found design context quite tricky.  I understood research when it comes to finding content of establishing problems in briefs but I never really fully got the research into other people that do what you do.

I have recently understood it a little more with my DC Publication.  All through these three years I have talked about how important it is to me to be influenced by individually sought after things instead of other peoples work.  I even did a project on it in first year!  So after my DC presentation in March  I found out that there is indeed no point being really good at drawing to get into an agency unless you have something different about you so they hire you to be another asset to their agency.  So this is where 'Draw inspiration' (my dc publication) came into play.  By looking at interviews, the artwork itself as well as asking a few first hand questions to a few of my favourite illustrators, it broadened my mind into what else I could be influenced by.  one answer in particular said that she doesn't get inspired by objects or anything like that, she gets inspired by the brief itself.  This made me feel much better in the way that I have always worried that I don't have a constant style, I just do what is best for the brief.  

Other answers made me see so clearly why that illustrators drawing is how it is, weather it was it's tone or stroke or colour, I could relate that to how they think, and in doing that assess that relationship in my brain.

I decided to do the documentation of this in prints as I wanted to have two clear parts to this.  What influences my favourite illustrators, and what influences me.  This way I could compare their relationship between their thoughts and their work alongside mine.

I am glad I finally came to terms with what Design Context meant to me and I am pleased with the result and said to some of the illustrators that they can have a copy.  I hope to add to it as time goes by.

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